Upcoming events
To listen to an interview with Julie about her work go to
Forthcoming : Commission for MTR( Mass Transit Railway) Hong Kong Arts programme.
June 30th 2018 : Sculpture Fest: Squaring the City - Collective art. A drop in workshop to create a 'mega' mixed media instalation 2m x 3.5m at the Leadenhall building in the CIty as part of Sculpture in the City: https://www.sculptureinthecity.org.uk/sculpture-fest
November 2017 - Crouch End Open studios interim group show Random
February 2017 - September 2017 - Capturing London at The Broadgate Tower London EC2. See Broadgate Tower Show 2017 for more info.
November 22 2016- 19th January 2017 - Above and below the line exhibition at New London Architecture, Store Street London see exhibition 2016 for more info
May 9th & 10th Crouch End Open studios - Visit julie over the weekend
experience her innovative way of working
April 2015 Julie visits the Bedlam berial site at Liverpool Street and captures the archelogical dig taking place until July 2015 - nothing spooks Julie
May & October & December 2014 Number 10 tweeted my work as part of its Building Better Britain campaign..
9th October - 20th December 2014: Exhibition Title piece for New London Architecture exhibition( The Changing Face of London: How major new projects are shaping future London ) at London's centre for the built environment) at the The Building Centre,
26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT
29th September - 12 October I participated in a group show to raise funds for the The London Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy at Lauderdale House, Highgate Hill, London N6 5HG. Private view by invitation 1 October
19th September 2014 Times News paper business pages covers of my Crossail residency
Special site specific digital pieces and a glimpe of current Crossrail residency work
9th - 10th May 2015 Crouch End Open Studios
10-12 May 2014 Crouch End Open Studios
11-12 May 2013 - Crouch End Open Studios
8-9 June 2013 - Southgate Open Studios
Julie Leonard